After an actor has been cast to play the leading role, the next exciting stage in developing the new Doctor is his outfit.
Doctor Who has produced some classy and understated outfits but also some of the worst in human history. You only need to briefly glance at the 6th Doctor's coat to see what I mean...
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Poor old Colin Baker really was lumbered with a terrible outfit full of colour which contrasted sharply to his introduction as a rather brash character. Let's not even mention those trousers.
Perhaps even more bizarre was the 5th Doctor's clothes.
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The characterisation of Peter Davison's Doctor was that he liked cricket, there was a story which saw him even play the sport. The entire cricketing attire is just a bit dull and the question marks on the shirt collar are questionable. The celery stick always makes me laugh though the explanation for that is the ultimate pay-off.
Of the classic Doctors, I think Sylvester McCoy's costume is my favourite.
The question mark sweater vest is quite horrible but I like it. The question mark umbrella is not fondly remembered by fans but I really want one. The rest of his get-up is very Columbo-esque and I think it suits McCoy and his Doctor's character.
Of the Nu-Who Doctor's, Matt Smith's 11 has my favourite outfit.
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The Doctor's best looks happen when his clothes are a mixture of stylish and odd. Who doesn't love a tweed jacket? Throw in the basic shirts, dark trousers and boots and the eleventh is one stylish chap. Plus, bow-ties are cool.
The 10th Doctor was almost too stylish with the suit and trench coat look although Tennant pulled off the outfit brilliantly.
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Tennant looked effortlessly cool, the suits were youthful and the choice of Converse All-Star hi-tops gave his Doctor extra bounce.
Christopher Eccleston's Doctor was given an outfit to match his downbeat and Time War scarred 9th Doctor.
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The battered leather jacket, plain purple t-shirt and black jeans is probably the most simple style the Doctor has ever taken. It's also one of the most radically different.
The 1996 TV film starring Paul McGann as the 8th Doctor isn't great and neither is his outfit.
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There isn't particularly wrong with it. I just find it a bit too old-fashioned, a bit too Edwardian and it's more fitting of an earlier Doctor.
The 1st Doctor has an age-appropriate outfit although he looks like an eccentric priest.
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Patrick Troughton's Doctor seems to have influenced Matt Smith's Doctor. Jacket? Check. Bow-tie? Check.
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The velvet jacket and frilly shirts that the 3rd Doctor wears are very era-defining. I guess the costume designers were very influenced by the style of the day in the late-60's and early-70's when styling Pertwee.
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Finally we come to the 4th Doctor. He may be seen as the definitive Doctor and the scarf is synonymous with the show but I just think there is too much going on with his threads.
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Now we await to see the style Capaldi's Doctor will adopt.
Which outfit is your favourite? Who is the most stylish Doctor? Let me know by leaving a comment or tweeting me @Alex_Harris1991.
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