Thursday 10 April 2014

Top Five: Topman

To save you, dear reader, the effort of scouring websites for the best styles, I’ll do all the dirty work for you and find the best five pieces from the best shops. What better shop to start with than my favourite, Topman.

Tuesday 11 February 2014

Peter Capaldi's New Doctor Who Outfit

When you think of a particular Doctor, their outfit springs immediately to mind. From Peter Davison’s cricketing whites to Matt Smith’s tweed jacket – they resonate with each incarnation.

Vo5 Extreme Style Clean Up Shampoo

I previously reviewed the Gunk Go shampoo from the Vo5 Extreme Style range but the question is how does this sister - or should I say brother? - product perform? 

Tuesday 19 November 2013

What Does It Mean to Be a Man on International Men's Day?

I woke up this morning to be informed by a tweet from Owen Jones that today was International Men's Day - He was critical about the day but as a man I decided it was worth researching. 

Wednesday 6 November 2013

Saturday 26 October 2013

Do Men Like Hugs?

A study has revealed something terrifically unsurprising - men like hugs as much as the fairer sex.

Thursday 17 October 2013

Three Key Autumn Sale Items

Autumn has arrived and summer has long gone so all the leading retailers decided it was appropriate to hold a sale.