Friday, 21 June 2013

Vo5 Extreme Style reWork

I have an admission to make. I find styling my hair to be one of the biggest daily challenges I face.

That sounds pretty #firstworldproblems but I have really annoying and frustrating hair. It is the bane of my life – well apart from my inability to find a job – and it is the stuff of nightmares.


Well I have a little tuft of hair right at the front which angles upwards and then forwards at the front which is out of keeping with the rest of my hair.

I used to just cut it out until I decided to grow my usually short hair and style it into a quiff.

The little tuft – which my mum calls a kiss curl – gets in the way whenever attempting to style the quiff but I have grown to live with it.


The first product that I have used to try and style a quiff is Vo5 Extreme Style reWork. It is Britain’s most popular hair product due to its abundance in shops and cheap price but that by no means proves it to be rubbish.

It holds the hair in position well and lasts throughout the day. It can be a bit sticky and it is definitely better when the hair is more dry than wet but these are minor grumbles.

If you are on a budget then this is a great product which will help you achieve the style you’re attempting.

Have you used Vo5 Extreme Style reWork? If so then leave me a comment and don't forget to hit the follow button to get the latest updates. 

Twitter: @Alex_Harris1991

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