Monday, 2 September 2013

Fish CleanFish Anti-Dandruff Shampoo & Conditioner

Having finished the Vo5 Extreme Style shampoo which I reviewed last month, I decided it was time to try out some Fish products.

First up is CleanFish 2-in-1 Anti-Dandruff Shampoo & Conditioner. It's a wordy title and the brand name has always made me slightly wary.

"What shampoo do you use, Alex?"

Ok it's a bit weird on my part but I always thought some people wouldn't quite get that Fish is just the brand name...

Opening up the bottle and one thing is clear. It smells great with citrus-y hints which is instantly pleasing.


I'm quite unsure about the 2-in-1 fad, it just strikes me as being an attempt to ramp up the price of a bottle. However it works well in this instance as it leaves my hair feeling clean and fresh.

The one downside is that it doesn't lather up as much as I'd like. This leads me to think that I might go through the bottle quite quickly as I wash my hair daily but at just £3.99 it's fairly good value for money.

Do I like it as much as the Vo5 Extreme Style range or Head & Shoulder's comparable 2-in-1 range?

I'm not sure I could answer that until I've used it more but it's worth a punt if you're a fan of the 2-in-1.

Next up for review is one of their styling products.

Let me know your thoughts on CleanFish Anti-Dandruff Shampoo & Conditioner. Tweet me @Alex_Harris1991 or leave me a comment. 

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