Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Can You Wear Shorts To Work?

The Daily Mail posed the question 'Is It Ever Acceptable For Men To Wear Shorts To Work?' yesterday so I thought I'd offer my own answers.

Due to the heatwave that has engulfed Britain of late, it has been reported that some shops have accounted a 200% rise in sales of shorts, jackets and smart shirts. A casual office-style, ready for work.

The Mail even noted that John Lewis' sales of smart shorts have risen over 300% on the previous year - although as we all remember the weather wasn't particularly great last summer.

One thing that has been noticeable this summer is the increasing popularity of above-the-knee shorts. When trying to buy shorts last summer, the style was in a few stores but it seems to have taken off this summer.

Joey Essex, star of ITV2's The Only Way Is Essex, in particularly seems to love the short-shorts look.

There is just something that strikes me as slightly odd, slightly alien about wearing shorts to work. I work part-time in a bar and despite the recent weather I have stuck to wearing some old jeans due to the spills and strains of the job.

In an office setting though it seems even more inappropriate. Suit trousers are fairly light-weight and due to the limited physical exertions of an office job, the suit-shorts look doesn't seem appropriate.

If I were currently working in an office then I would probably think otherwise, but from an outside perspective it just strikes me as wrong for guys to dress smart on the top and then uber casual on the bottom half.

Do you think it is acceptable to wear shorts to work? Let me know in the comments below or tweet me @Alex_Harris1991

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