My friend recently said to me after a trip to the gym that I don't sweat very much, however I have an admission to make. I have clammy hands.
It is true - I don't particularly sweat that much in the usual areas that you would expect one to sweat but the palms of my hand are a sweat factory.
As we know, sweat is produced by the body to keep us cool to help keep our core temperature constant. I, apparently, have very hot hands then.
There is a condition called hyperhydrosis which causes the sweat glands, such as those in palms and feet, to go over and above what is required to cool the body. This affects roughly 900,000 people.
Now I don't have hyperhydrosis as my palms don't sweat on cue, it is just slightly odd how my hands sweat more than my armpits, for example.
Treatment for hyperhydrosis can include medication and surgical interventions.
Three things that I have found that help lessen the speed and severity of sweaty palms:
- Using a bar of soap to wash hands as opposed to a gel-based solution, such as those mostly found in public toilets.
- Don't use equipment, such as laptops, which leave your hands in confined spaces for prolonged periods.
- Hydration! Hydration! Drink two litres of water a day to keep your body refreshed.
Together we can all have less clammy hands because trust me there is nothing more awkward than shaking hands when your palm is a sweaty Betty.
Follow me on Twitter @Alex_Harris1991
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